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How to Clean Balcony Floor in Just 8 Easy Steps

Are you tired of looking at your dirty balcony floor? Do you want to impress your guests with a sparkling clean outdoor space? If so, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll show you how to clean balcony floor in just eight easy steps. From sweeping to mopping, we've got you covered. So put on your cleaning gloves, grab a bucket, and let's get started! Image Credit: byakkaya, Istock 1. Remove Debris Before you can start cleaning your balcony floor, you'll need to remove any debris that's accumulated out there. This could include leaves, sticks, or even trash. Using a broom or a vacuum cleaner, sweep up all the debris and dispose of it in a trash can. Make sure to wear a face mask if you're using a vacuum cleaner to avoid inhaling any dust or debris. 2. Sweep the Floor Once all the debris is removed, it's time to sweep the balcony floor. Use a broom to sweep the entire surface of the floor, starting from the farthest corner and working yo

How to Get Rid of Pigeons on Balcony: Tips and Tricks

Are you tired of waking up to pigeon droppings on your balcony? Do you cringe when you see a flock of birds roosting on your railing? Don't worry; you're not alone. Pigeons on balconies can be a major annoyance. However, with a little bit of effort and some clever tactics, you can bid adieu to these pesky birds. In this post, we'll go over some helpful tips on how to get rid of pigeons on balcony.

Pigeons can be a serious health hazard, carrying harmful diseases that can harm humans and pets. Not to mention, their droppings can cause property damage and be a significant eyesore. Lucky for you, there are many ways to keep your balcony pigeon-free. From installing physical barriers to using natural deterrents, we'll provide you with all the information you need to keep these birds at bay. By the end of this post, you'll have a pigeon-proof balcony that you can enjoy without any worries!

how to get rid of pigeons on balcony
Image Credit: fulya_, Istock

1. Bird Spikes: The Easy Solution

Bird Spikes are the easiest way to get rid of pigeons on your balcony. They are small, thin, metal rods that you can attach to surfaces where pigeons like to perch. The spikes make it uncomfortable for the birds to land on your balcony and will eventually drive them away. Bird spikes are simple to install and require no maintenance.

2. Reflective Deterrents: Shiny and Scary

Pigeons are afraid of shiny, reflective surfaces, so placing shiny objects on your balcony can help deter them. You can hang mirrors or CDs on your balcony railings or place shiny, metallic objects on your balcony. Additionally, you can use scary reflective objects like Mylar balloons or scarecrows with reflective eyes to scare away the birds.

3. Decoy Birds: The Fake-Out

Pigeons are flock birds, so they are attracted to other birds. You can use this to your advantage by putting fake decoy birds on your balcony. Decoy birds, like plastic owls or hawks, will make the pigeons think that there is a predator on your balcony, and they will stay away. You can move the decoys around occasionally to make it look more real.

4. Bright Lights: The Nighttime Solution

Pigeons are diurnal, which means they are active during the day and asleep at night. If you have a problem with pigeons on your balcony at night, you can use bright lights to deter them. Pigeons are afraid of bright lights, so shining a spotlight on your balcony can help keep them away.

5. Motion Sensor Sprinklers: The Surprise Attack

Motion sensor sprinklers are a great way to deter pigeons from your balcony. These sprinklers have sensors that detect when a bird lands on your balcony and will spray water at them. The sudden surprise of getting sprayed with water will scare the birds away. This is a good option if you don't want to use lethal methods to get rid of pigeons.

6. Sound Deterrents: The Screeching Solution

Pigeons are afraid of loud noises, so using a sound deterrent can help keep them away. You can use a recording of a predator bird call or a loud noise like a clapping sound to scare them away. You can also buy a device that emits ultrasonic sounds that are unpleasant to pigeons.

Conclusion: Keeping Your Balcony Pigeon-Free

Getting rid of pigeons on your balcony is possible with a little effort and some creativity. Keep in mind that different methods work better for different situations, so try a few and see what works for you. Once you have successfully gotten rid of the pigeons, it's important to continue to keep your balcony clean and free of bird food to prevent the birds from coming back.


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How to Clean Balcony Floor in Just 8 Easy Steps

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