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How to Clean Balcony Floor in Just 8 Easy Steps

Are you tired of looking at your dirty balcony floor? Do you want to impress your guests with a sparkling clean outdoor space? If so, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll show you how to clean balcony floor in just eight easy steps. From sweeping to mopping, we've got you covered. So put on your cleaning gloves, grab a bucket, and let's get started! Image Credit: byakkaya, Istock 1. Remove Debris Before you can start cleaning your balcony floor, you'll need to remove any debris that's accumulated out there. This could include leaves, sticks, or even trash. Using a broom or a vacuum cleaner, sweep up all the debris and dispose of it in a trash can. Make sure to wear a face mask if you're using a vacuum cleaner to avoid inhaling any dust or debris. 2. Sweep the Floor Once all the debris is removed, it's time to sweep the balcony floor. Use a broom to sweep the entire surface of the floor, starting from the farthest corner and working yo

How to Keep Birds Off Balcony: A Beginner's Guide

If you're lucky enough to have a balcony, chances are you love spending time out there. Whether it's sipping coffee in the morning or enjoying a glass of wine in the evening, a balcony can be a lovely addition to any home. That is until the birds show up. If you're like most people, the last thing you want is a group of birds turning your peaceful balcony into their own private bird sanctuary. That's why we've put together this beginner's guide on how to keep birds off balcony. So, grab a cup of coffee and let's get started!

how to keep birds off balcony
Image Credit: 19msa05, Istock

Why Do Birds Invade Your Balcony?

Before we dive into the solutions, let's first understand why birds invade your balcony in the first place. Most birds are attracted to balconies because they provide shelter, food, and water. If your balcony has plants, bird feeders, or a water source, you're inviting birds to come and stay. While it's lovely to have some feathered friends, they can cause a lot of damage to your furniture, plants, and balcony infrastructure.

1. Declutter Your Balcony

The first step to keeping birds off your balcony is to declutter it. Remove any debris, old furniture, or random objects that could attract birds. Pay special attention to the corners of your balcony, where birds may nest. If you have a storage box on your balcony, ensure it's closed tightly. The more clutter-free your balcony is, the less attractive it'll be for birds.

2. Use Visual Deterrents

Birds are afraid of things that look unusual or out of place. This is where visual deterrents come in handy. Hang some shiny objects, such as CDs or mirrors, on your balcony. The reflection of sunlight will disorient the birds and make them think twice before landing on your balcony. You can also use scarecrows or owl-shaped decoys to keep birds away.

3. Install Bird Netting

If you're serious about keeping birds off your balcony, you can install bird netting. This is a mesh netting that covers your balcony, preventing birds from flying in. Bird netting is a durable and long-lasting solution that's easy to install. However, it can be expensive, and it may not be aesthetically pleasing.

4. Use Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are a humane and effective way to keep birds off your balcony. They're easy to install and come in different sizes and shapes. Bird spikes work by creating an uncomfortable surface for birds to land on. They don't harm the birds, but they discourage them from landing on your balcony.

5. Keep Food and Water Sources Away

As we mentioned earlier, birds are attracted to food and water sources. If you have bird feeders or water bowls on your balcony, birds will keep coming back. Remove any food or water sources from your balcony. If you have plants, don't overwater them, as this can attract insects that birds feed on.

6. Use Scents to Deter Birds

Birds have a keen sense of smell, and they're sensitive to certain scents. You can use this to your advantage by using scents that birds dislike. Some scents that deter birds include peppermint, eucalyptus, and citrus. You can use essential oils or natural remedies to create a repellent spray and apply it on your balcony.

7. Keep Your Balcony Clean

Keeping your balcony clean is essential in deterring birds. Sweep your balcony regularly, and wash it down with water and soap to remove any bird droppings or stains. Birds are less likely to invade a clean and well-maintained balcony.

8. Seek Professional Help

If you've tried all the above solutions but still can't keep birds off your balcony, it's time to seek professional help. Pest control companies can install high-tech bird control systems that use lasers, sounds, and repellent sprays. While this may be expensive, it's a foolproof way to keep birds off your balcony.


Keeping birds off your balcony may seem like a daunting task, but it's not impossible. By following the tips and tricks in this beginner's guide, you can maintain a bird-free balcony and enjoy your outdoor space without any interruptions. Remember, a little creativity and persistence go a long way in deterring birds.


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How to Clean Balcony Floor in Just 8 Easy Steps

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